Non-Executive Director
Mr. GUILLERMO D. LUCHANGCO, Filipino, 83, was elected as a Non-Executive Director of the Company in April 2024. He is currently a member of the Risk Oversight Committee. He was an Independent Director of PHINMA Corporation from 2005 to 2021—a position he has also been holding in PHINMA, Inc. since 2021.
He is the Chairman of Investment & Capital Corporation of the Philippines (ICCP) since 1987 and Ionics, Inc. since 1991. He is currently the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the ICCP Group and the Chairman of ICCP Ventures. He is the Chairman of Ways and Means Committee Philippines-British Business Council, Committee on Trade and Investments Philippines-US Business Council and Co-Chairman of the Philippines-Singapore Business Council.
Mr. Luchangco was an Independent Director of Roxas & Co., Inc. from 2009 to 2021 and PHINMA Energy Corporation from 2013 to 2019. He is a former Managing Director and Regional Coordinator for Management Services of SGV & Company and former Executive Director of SGV Goh Pte Ltd Singapore.
Mr. Luchangco earned his Bachelor of Science Degree in Chemical Engineering from the De La Salle University and obtained his Master of Business Administration Degree from Harvard Business School.