From Leaders to Changemakers of Tomorrow: The Search for Siklab Awardees 2020

By: Dr. Emilina R. Sarreal
February 09, 2020
Five exceptional individuals who embodied the legacy of Ambassador Ramon V. del Rosario were awarded as the first winners of the Ramon V. del Rosario Siklab Awards last July 2019. The RVR Siklab awardees are JB Tan, Clarissa Delgado, Edgar Elago, Gary Ayuste and Melissa Yap.
JB Tan is a computer science graduate who created iVolunteer, an online platform for posting of events and opportunities where volunteers can sign up;
Clarissa is the co-founder and CEO of Teach for the Philippines which recruits young professionals to teach in public schools for two years to provide good quality education for all Filipino learners;
Edgar is a teacher from Agusan del Norte and founder of Project Scholar and Project ADAMMS that provide scholarships to deserving high school students particularly from the indigenous communities;
Gary, the founder of BEEngo Farm, is a Leyte-based entrepreneur and beekeeper who educates local farmers and students the value of beekeeping in protecting the environment and at the same time as a source of livelihood;
And Melissa is the founder and executive director of Got Heart Foundation and Earth Kitchen which help farmers and indigenous communities to be sustainable by partnering with them in supplying local, healthy and organic foods to restaurants.
Although they chose to solve social problems from many directions, these leaders share one common feature: they are building platforms that unleash human potential that aid in nation building.
The RVR-Siklab Awards was launched in commemoration of the 100th birth anniversary of the late Ambassador Ramon V. del Rosario in 2018 as a joint program of PHINMA, Junior Chamber International Manila and De La Salle University’s Ramon V. del Rosario College of Business. It was also inspired by the Ramon V. Del Rosario Award for Nation Building that recognizes the best and brightest leaders who embody Mr. Del Rosario’s ideals with regards to Nation Building. Past awardees include Dr. George K. Ty, Henry Sy Sr., Manuel V. Pangilinan, Jaime Augusto Zobel de Ayala, Vicente Paterno, Washington Sycip, Oscar Lopez, Ambassador Jose Tambunting, Diosdado Banatao and most recently, Dr. Aristotle Alip.
Now on its second year, the Ramon V. del Rosario Siklab Awards is launching another national search for young individuals who are both leaders and changemakers. What does it take to become leaders and changemakers?
David Bornstein and Susan Davis’ 2010 book on “Social Entrepreneurship: What Everyone Needs to Know” defined social enterprise as an organization that tackles problems through a “business format even if it is not legally structured as a profit-seeking entity.” They also defined an “intrapreneur,” also known as a corporate entrepreneur, as someone who drives positive change within an existing organization or business. And a “changemaker,” accordingly, advances change in myriad ways beyond the roles of both social and corporate entrepreneurs.
Social entrepreneurship is improvising its own ecosystem by stimulating more changemaking as it grows. It is growing spontaneously with countless responses to emerging needs to adapt rapidly, to an ever-changing array of unforeseeable and increasingly critical social problems. These social problems are oftentimes responded to by adopting an attitude of cynical detachment; with many wanting to take action but feel overwhelmed not knowing where to begin, or feel that problems are too big to be solved.
But many have also found ways to respond with creativity, passion, energy, and even optimism— responding to problems with innovative ideas and new solutions. Their stories have gone unreported. Even if we are inundated with news and information, the proliferation of people building new organizations to address social problems—remains largely undisclosed.
Let the RVR-Siklab Awards tell the stories of changemakers! Eligible nominees should be Filipino citizens or holders of a Philippine passport whose work have made a positive impact in a community in the Philippines; 25 to 40 years old; not have been charged with any case nor have any pending cases any courts; possess a significant leadership role in an organization for at least three years; demonstrated positive impact in a community in the Philippines; and must exemplify the following qualities of entrepreneurial spirit, impact of business or social enterprise, corporate citizenship and social responsibility. Nominations of outstanding youth leaders can be made through the online nomination form at until March 31, 2020.